Friday, June 3, 2011

Is the recommendation of changing the timing belt on a car every 100k miles a scam by auto dealers?

Do most people really spend

800 dollars to get it changed, or do they just take their chances?|||Not a scam,timing belt will break soon if over 100k miles,any time and will cost thousand of dollars to repair mechanical damages when that happens.Some even breaks at over 50k miles,many times by water pump or tensioner pulley failured.|||the need is definitely there to have it changed at 100k miles. I would honestly say that about every 80K miles is even better. However, $800 is pretty steep. I would certainly recommend finding a non-dealer mechanic. They can probably do it for closer to $500.

I will gladly pay $500 every 7 or 8 years to avoid the possibility of my belt breaking and my motor being ruined. In my opinion, it%26#039;s very little money for the security and service it offers.|||Belts of any kind are the major reasons why cars break down in traffic. Especially as a woman I would make sure that doesn%26#039;t happen to me.|||Oh yes, definitly change it Before 100K. If it breaks then you run the chance of ruining your engine also. Make sure they change the water pump at the same time. Depending on where you live changes the cost but 800 seems way way too much. It only takes 4-8 hrs if that and a standard rate right now is 65 to 100 an hour. So if you call around to get different prices then go to the person who is actually going to do the work, you can actually talk them down on the price.

I just had my honda del sol timing belt and water pump replaced for 390 (talked them down from 460).|||yes belts are made of rubber,rubber stretches over time. rubber is also effected by heat/cold, contaminants such as oil, gas, coolant, etc. pretty good idea to have it changed @ 100k or sooner to avoid severe engine damage. if they break at highway speeds bad things happen inside your engine like bent and or broken valves, holes on pistons,etc. shop around on labor rates , but changing it is called PREVENTATIVE maintenance which saves on more costly repairs as in a new engine|||Nope, it%26#039;s not a scam. I know from personal experience. Mine was going to cost about $600 to replace. It broke before I got it done and ended up having to get another $1000 in repairs, because of the damage that was done. It is especially important if you have overhead cams, because the valves will be damaged if the timing belt breaks.

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